Memo – Confidential/Classified
RE: Directive – Overall Policy Objectives and Recommended Actions for Southeast Asia
In the matter regarding current instability within Southeast Asia, it is recommended that the United States immediately bring all ideological, psychological, diplomatic and economic powers and means to bear on the Southeast Asia theatre, particularly in the Associated States of Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and the peripheral nations adjacent to the South China Sea. Given the new consensus that the Soviet Union is the principal source behind the clandestine spread of Communism within the region, it is imperative that we move to quickly avert further shifts in influence.
We can no longer assume…
Sample Policy Objectives – Vietnam 1968
This is an undergraduate level analysis written for a Vietnam War & Policy course at a top-tier US private college. This paper, Sample Policy Objectives – Vietnam 1968, represents my personal analysis combined with course knowledge and in-depth research. The report received top marks. This report could be used as a guide for research, a sample analysis for reference, or for direct reference with proper citation.
Word Count: 1300-1350