At a recent International Studies Seminar, Professor Donald Frey walked the audience through the entire history of the U.S. financial crisis of 2008. Specifically, his lecture gave the audience a better sense of how events, as far back as the late 1970s, shaped the mentality of those in government to react slowly or poorly to the approaching crisis. In addition, he explained in depth how an unwatched and unregulated system went off the rails much as it did during the Great Depression of the 1920s.
As many of us already know…
Perspective on the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
This is an undergraduate level analysis written for a Political Science course at a top-tier US private college. This paper, Perspective on the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, represents my personal analysis combined with course knowledge and in-depth research. The report received top marks. This report could be used as a guide for research, a sample analysis for reference, or for direct reference with proper citation.
Word Count: 500