North Carolina, USA

Cayman Offers Unbeatable and Frequent Treats of Wonder! The Leonid Meteor Shower of 2002

The following was written for Cayman Luxury Property Group in November, 2012:

Gavin P. Smith blogs written for Cayman Luxury Property Group

Perhaps one of the most spectacular reasons for choosing a life in the luxurious Cayman Islands is not hard to find. Just take one look up to the heavens to see Cayman’s beautiful and incomparable night skies. If you are a stargazer, life in the Cayman Islands…

…provides you with unbeatable and frequent treats of wonder!

One of the more incredible sights I ever beheld occurred ten years ago, in November of 2002. It was a starry night sky, full of little diamonds on a black tapestry, just like any other Cayman night. But this was no ordinary night. I remember setting my alarm for 2:30 am, just to make sure I would awake for what was forecasted to be one of the most spectacular meteor storms in decades. The Leonid Meteor shower of 2002 lived up to that promise.

I awoke from my brief sleep to meet a few friends who had gathered on a tranquil, private South Sound beach. We dragged our chairs out to this little spot away from the lights of the houses and faced towards the Northwest, eagerly awaiting the show. The trade winds were light but soothing. The palm trees rustled ever so slightly. All was quiet in Cayman as we awaited the curtain to go up on our heavenly show.

And then, one by one, streaks started to fill the night sky over the calm Caribbean waters. At first, there was one or two per minute. More began to appear in clusters of five, ten, fifteen and twenty per minute. Soon, we stopped counting.  The symphony of meteors was in full swing by 3:30am. We all sat, sipping on wine, relaxing in our lounge chairs, marveling at the numerous streaks in the Cayman night sky. As we looked out over the ocean, we saw several meteors explode and split in two as they raced low across the southern horizon. At that moment in time, there was no talking. There were just smiles of euphoric contentment. Where in the world could you possibly see anything quite as beautiful as this? Where else could you live where the night sky was not hampered by city lights, and the silence not broken by the hustle and bustle of traffic and street sounds? Only in Cayman can you experience this luxury.

Reports later indicated that there were over 3,000 meteors per hour racing across the sky that night. It was, without a doubt, the greatest show on Earth and it was right outside my Cayman doorstep.

Luxury living in the Cayman Islands is not as hard to attain as you might think.  For quality, Cayman Islands luxury real estate, contact us today. We are ready to show you a new way of life.

Gavin P. Smith is a media, marketing and management professional with twenty years experience in both North America and Caribbean. Gavin spent several years living in the Cayman Islands enjoying all of the luxuries Grand Cayman has to offer. Gavin fondly refers to the islands as “his home away from home”.

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