
One hundred, twenty five years ago, Dr. John Pemberton had a simple idea. Bring the joy of refreshment to people. Essentially, through that refreshing feeling, people can find joy in life. That is, and has always been, our product. It is not syrup, bottles or cans. It is a simple yet vital part of every person’s life – joy.
In 1886, when Dr. Pemberton produced the first syrup and created Coca-Cola, he sold just around nine servings per day at just five cents per serving. But, as you know, joy is infectious. By World War II, we were in forty four countries, with over “five billion bottles of Coca-Cola consumed by military service personnel during the war.” (Teaching the World to Sing, 2011). Today, one hundred and twenty five years later, we are a dominant, multi-national, multi-billion dollar firm that has established a “deep emotional bond between Coca-Cola and its consumers.” (Teaching the World to Sing, 2011) While we will soon discuss numbers in regards to forecasting our future, there is something beyond the numbers that drives Coca-Cola demand.

Sales Forecast Analysis – Coca-Cola
This is a graduate level analysis written for a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) course at a top-tier US private graduate school. This paper, Sales Forecast Analysis for Coca-Cola, represents my personal analysis combined with course knowledge and in-depth research. The report received top marks. This report could be used as a guide for research, a sample analysis for reference, or for direct reference with proper citation.
Word Count: 2900-2950
Sources Used: 19