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A Setback is Just a Setup for a Comeback

Life. It is full of twists, turns, plans and the unexpected. Everyone believes in life that they are in control at some point. We think we know what are doing. We know where we are going. We have it all figured out. Regardless, few of us escape some sort of personal setback in life. Whether financial, emotional, spiritual or otherwise, I have found that most of these setbacks strike when we least expect. Many noted figures in business and life also reference personal tragedies or setbacks in their biographies as a catalyst for their own move from good to great.

MBA Orientation Keynote Speech – Aug 2012

It is both an honor and a privilege to stand before you tonight and welcome you to this amazing community. If you are anything like I was when I started, you are probably sitting there feeling a million different emotions and asking yourself a million different questions:

Wake Forest University – Degree Completed!

After leaving college early to embark on a successful media career, I am proud to announce that I recently returned to my alma mater to complete my undergraduate degree.  I am happy to announce that I have just completed my

The Worm in the Wheat
Analysis – The Worm In The Wheat

onfusing power shifts and agrarian struggles define the Mexican Revolution. Author and historian Timothy J. Henderson provides a fresh perspective of the period from 1906-1927 by weaving together historical context with the first-hand accounts of foreign-born hacienda owner Rosalie Evans.